The Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett lives from its heros who achieve remarkable flights in small baskets, often in cold temperature and tough weather. Find out all about the competitors and winners on this page.

Record Winner (Women)

Ms. Carol Rymer-DavisUSA1

Women Participations

Ms. Cheryl WhiteUSA15
Ms. Helma SjutsGER9
Ms. Barbara FrickeUSA9
Ms. Silvia WagnerAUT9
Ms. Carol Rymer-DavisUSA8

List shows top 5 ordered by most participations.
View all participations by women

Total distance traveled by participants

CompetitorCountryTotal distanceParticipations
Mr. Wilhelm EimersGER34'788.8 km30
Mr. Vincent LeysFRA24'380.4 km20
Mr. Kurt FriedenSUI23'741.4 km24

Listed top 3 results. List more

Full list of competitors and winners